Mar 29, 2008

Fixing Education #4… Next level

Fourth: Focus on what is important. The curriculum focus needs to be on subjects that are vital for survival and provide and encourage advancement for those who can handle it. Everyone needs to know the basics of such subjects, but not exclusively, as math, reading, writing, civics, history, science, physical education, health and finances. There should be no comprise on such subjects, and by the time a kid exits high school they should have mastered these subjects. No more social promotion, and there should be tutor services for those that fall behind on these subjects and hold kids back if needed. Educators do more for a kid if held back than to just them advance without the understanding of the subject matter.
There should be access to advanced classes in math, science, and engineering. For those who are seen as ripe to take advantage of these classes should be strongly encouraged to attend.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are those types of classses and kids that are right for them are encourged they jsut dont want to or they are not willing to do all of the work required by those types of classes you are speaking of. So agian it comes back to the kids and the intrest the show in these things.