Mar 2, 2008

Sunday Visit #1

In the “good old days” every Sunday families would get together to visit. People were much more commutative and getting together for at least one connection a week was key for the enjoyment of life and staying connected with each other was vital. In honor of that tradition we will “visit” and dig deeper into some of the issues during the week.
In the past week we have pointed out how poor the Minneapolis Silly Council has been at fighting for the right thing to do on behalf of the residents of the city. After 20 years of fighting the Kondirator they still lose the fight and the money. The council never seems to learn their lesson in overreaching its authority and continues to demonstrate their inability to avoid costly problems. Examples such as the settlement with Metro Produce in Longfollow, or Gabby’s Bar in Northeast. The council did temporarily backed off the sanctions they had sought on Gabby’s, but only after consulting a judge. Meanwhile, the problems experienced by the neighbors continue. Gee, I find it surprising that the “influential” members of the Silly Council can’t find a way to address the issues without leaving the city open to costly problems. With all the power of the city, police department, neighborhood organizations, and a willing business owner they can’t find a solution that will take everyone’s interests into consideration.

We demonstrated how the Silly Council focuses on the wrong set of priorities in creating a well functioning city. The council continues to focus on such things as green roofs and pretty lights that raise the basic cost of living. What ever happen to making the city a good place to live for people of all economic backgrounds? The way things are going Minneapolis will end up with two economic tiers. One tier that is poor enough they require dependence on government and the other tier that is rich enough to pay for the first tier. Any healthy and well functioning city requires a solid middle class population, which will be something increasing scare if this tread continues.

Weekly Awards and Recognitions
The Shadow has added 9 million dollars to the Silly Council waste bucket because of the Kondirator lawsuit settlement.

The Shadow is giving Diane Hofstede the “boo” of the week for her continued attempt at overstepping her authority and robbing business owners their right to make a profit.
The Shadow is giving council members Goodman and Benson the “goofy” award of the week for wanting to grow a garden on top of the Target Center.

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