May 28, 2008

Gang violence.. Shoot a gun into a crowd and someone dies .. sorry I didn’t intend on killing anyone

One of the reasons cities get crime ridden is because over zealous defense attorneys and weak judges allow it to happen. How on earth can you call a system “justice” when identified gang members get convicted on lesser charges for higher crimes based on a flimsy excuse? It is outrageous to accept that in the case of the Brian Cole killing that Kirk Harrison get convicted of only second-degree unintentional murder. He brought the 9 mm semi-automatic handgun to the festival (premeditated) and fired it into a crowd. What do you think is most likely going to happen? Myron Burrell was convicted of killing Tyesha Edwards after the stray bullet from his gun aimed at a rival gang member hit her as she was doing her homework. Thank God he is off the street, but why is this case any different than the Cole case? Did Harrison show remorse at killing Cole? Did Harrison have a better defense attorney than Burrell? Is the public not getting the whole story? Am I missing something here?? What???

The Minneapolis Shadow is all for protecting the rights of the accused, but it is about protecting the rights not giving a criminal a better argument! The justice system isn’t supposed to be a debating society where the better argument wins! It’s supposed to be about uncovering the truth and properly sentencing based on the laws established in this country and state. The justice system isn’t about giving someone leniency based upon upbringing, background, or status. Justice is supposed to be blind, and by God if it isn’t then the system, and the actors within it, no longer serve the greater good!

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