May 6, 2008

Pet Peeve Time

One of my Pet Peeves is people that don’t know how to cross the street at the lighted intersection. I watch people cross in the middle of the block, 10 feet away from the intersection, and against the light. I grimace every time I see this, and think “oh my gosh that person is going to get hit”.
I harken back to my childhood and can hear my mother saying “little Minneapolis Shadow (uh yea) remember to always cross at the light”. I do notice that most of these folks are immigrants. Now before you go ape sh_t on me here; I encourage legal immigration. This isn’t an anti-immigrate rant!! However, I realize that a lot of today’s immigrates are not accustom to the American way of life, and may not understand some of these basic concepts. Where is the nanny state on this issue? Doesn’t the government have a responsibility to tell these folks when they arrive not to cross against the light? Hilary Clinton the other day said that we need to choose a president that will take care of us and our families so why hasn’t “big mama” government told immigrates to cross at the light?
Ok, I’m having a bit of fun with you here. Seriously, we should be setting standards for immigrates to follow upon getting to our shores. We don’t owe these people anything, but a great deal of them act as if we do. Issues such as learning English, treating women with respect, and not expecting a handout are just a small example of ideas that we should hold people up to. We would experience a lot less problems if there were basic expectations that we held people up to. In the long run everyone, even the new Americans, would benefit from simple expectations. Even if it is as simple as crossing at the light!

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