Jun 18, 2008

Another day, higher temps, and another death in Murderapolis

This time it was a knife, not a gun, that up and killed a dude. Maybe it’s time to ban knives. I can hear the silly council now…ban ‘hand knives”. Or maybe, shut down the city when temps are over 75 degrees because it causes murders.
It’s the fourth murder in 4 days and no longer can the city brag about the rate being down over last year as it is continuing to climb. It is extremely sad to see all of this death occurring around us. What is even more distributing is that the city council isn’t doing much about it. People we need to take this stuff seriously. Memorial walks, candlelight services, and hand holding sing-a-longs aren’t going to solve anything. Police boots on the streets patrolling neighbors is the most effective way to get a handle on this problem. The mayor and city council are unwilling to forego all of their pet projects to buy enough police protection to perform their number one duty… protect the public.

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