Sep 15, 2008

Minneapolis streets are very dangerous

Never in my 36 years of living in Minneapolis do I recall a time that there has been so many reports of crimes on such a regular basis. Again, on Saturday we experienced a report of three stabbings that occurred on Lake Street. We have a crime alert on a rapist on the loose, and what has become a regular reporting of either arson, rape, or shooting. I hear from my neighbors about reports of prostitution activity in areas that haven’t experienced that before. No matter what the “elected” say it seems that there is a crime problem in Minneapolis, and they are either unable or unwilling to do what it takes to solve the issues. The “elected” seem to just bury their heads in the sand and imagine that everything is getting better, but I don’t buy this line of snake oil. For all of the investment in new technologies to solve and track crimes, there is no good replacement for boots on the streets. Minneapolis is long overdue for a influx of police hirings to place cops on the streets. Long overdue!

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