Feb 28, 2008

High Cost of Living

Just getting from there to here is going to get a lot more expensive. The Met Council has approved the new rail corridor between the “U” and Saint Paul. I can’t wait for the same extra congestion and cost overruns that came with the Hiawatha corridor. The state just passed the largest tax increase in Minnesota history including a huge increase in the license tab fee and gas tax.
Do you people have any idea what this going to do to the overall economy? As the cost of moving goods around goes up, the cost of the goods go up. Econ 101! More proof of the poor education system! Raising the gas tax requires businesses moving goods and providing services to have to raise their prices. Just about everything requires transportation. The increased cost of fuel increases the cost of business. The increased costs are passed on to the customer of the goods and services. Hello!!! Now you have some of the state “geniuses” talking about leveling a tax on clothes. How do you expect people to afford to live? Ugh!
If you want urban renewal putting in light rail stations isn’t the answer. If you want to reduce congestion on the road, light rail isn’t the answer. I’m no fan of taking a bus, however at least with a bus system you can move the routes to meet the changing demands of the population.
Keeping taxes low, encouraging business growth, small business investment, and less government regulation are great steps in real urban renewal.

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