Apr 9, 2008

How Out Of Touch Are They???!!!

I walked out of a meeting in Northeast with Council Member Paul Ostrow on Monday night. After exchanging greetings he said “So the Governor really handed it to us”. I looked at him some what of a perplex look and asked, “how so”. He start complaining about how the Governor struck out $70 million dollars from the bonding bill, and really let Minneapolis have it. Now Paul and I have had similar discussions in the past, and it he never fails to amaze me with his weird sense of priorities. I told him that I’m sure the Governor funded only what was needed, and struck out what wasn’t needed. Paul started going on about the light rail and bridge projects. I let him know that none of what I saw struck out of the bill was really needed at this time. I mean “holy crap” we have everyday joe lunch bucket having trouble making ends meet and he is peeing about the light rail. I pointed out to him that I know some people whose property taxes went up 30% last year! The one question that he is never able to answer “do you know anyone who got a 30% raise last year”? Where do you think the money government collects comes from anyway? Can he be that unaware of where the mnoey they spend comes from, or does he just not care about the people he represents? He paused, and said “we need people like you at the truth in taxation meetings”. Ugh, total waste of time. They would never listen, and I work for a living and don’t have time to play their games just to end up on their “hit list”. Wait a minute; I most likely am there already.
Here is the link to the Governor’s veto list, judge it for your self. The Minneapolis Shadow hands to Paul Ostrow the golden “Wasteiod” award for the week.


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