Apr 6, 2008

Sunday Visit

Education recap
One of the major passions that I have is education. I find the lack of effort on focusing on the real problems inexcusable, and an abandonment of kids left in the charge of the school systems.
Here are the key points discussed in the education series this week two weeks.

Disciple in the classroom
The parents need to understand and come to an understanding with the administration of the school that there are expectations of their children’s behavior and strong consequences for not meeting those expectations. The teacher is in charge of the classroom.

Clear out the administration
The school administration is a bloated bureaucracy that requires major trimming. More money needs to go towards classroom materials, instruction, and better pay for teachers. We need to attach teachers from the professions that they are to be teaching to improve the quality of instruction and provide real life experiences.

Prepare for the math and science revolution
The sciences, math, and engineering fields are the way of the future and require better instruction that what is currently being provided. This type of education experience is the “meal ticket” out of poverty. Thses facts need to be stressed to kids and parents and with the focus on can be brought into reality.

Focus on what is important
Do away with social promotion and focus on the basics, which must include math, reading, writing, civics, history, science, physical education, health and finances.
Math, reading, and writing are time tested and regularly seen as the basics, but it goes far beyond that.
Civics. The basics of what makes this country work and makes it the greatest nation on the earth has been lost on a number of generations now and the needs refocusing.
History. The future problems are repeated if you don’t understand history. It cannot be the revisionist history however, but a true account of events.
Science. We have lost some of our ability to properly simulate the imagination and the exploration soul of the human sprit. We have lost some of our ability to properly excite the mind of our kids towards the understanding of the world around us. We must rekindle these things and it starts in the classroom of the sciences.
Physical Fitness and Health. America has become more and more health consciences and must instill good healthy understanding at a young age. An upgrade in our health education curriculum is sorely needed.
Finances. An issue such as the housing financial crisis demonstrates that the education methods on finances are serious lacking. In order to steam the tide of this requires the education system to lay a better understanding of how basic finances and the economy work.

Make a pact with parents
The parents need to be on board with the education program otherwise nothing works. The parents need to be held accountable for their children behavior and education results. Some parents aren’t equipped to handle the kind of help their children need, but the school and teachers need to recognize that and figure out how to compensate for that. I’m a big believer in tutors for kids that are falling behind in subjects, and the parents need to be onboard with allowing the kids to get the help they need. Parnets must also ensure that their kids are meeting expectations such as homework, and get the answers their children need. Without the parents fully engaged nothing gets accomplished.

The numbers don’t lie no matter which ones you believe
Stop avoiding the real problems and directly attack that issues head on. The graduation are horrible and everyone connected with these numbers should recognize it for what it is, a grand failure.

In order to solve these problems it takes real leadership, and in the city there seems to be a lack of it.

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