May 23, 2008

Condominium sales slow..Minneapolis Council to allow more time for development

Oh great, lock the barn after the horses have gotten loose. The current zone code requires work to begin on projects within a year of being approved. I’m assuming there was a good reason for that to begin with. Now the city council is considering extending that to allow the projects more time due to lack luster sales. Hello City Council! You allowed too many of these projects start to begin with! Where was the out cry for all of the condominium development in the first place? This isn’t city planning, it is city reengineering. Most of the rest of us have watched as condo project after condo project emerged in the city over the last few years and wondered how are all of these going to get filled. In areas of the city where there just doesn’t seem to be any call for a new condo, and then “pop” there goes another one. Now there is a down turn in the sales of condos and the city talks about changing the code. I think it’s just bad city planning.

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