May 20, 2008

Neighborhood Revitalization Plan (NRP) survives..sort of..kind of..maybe..not

If there was ever a definition for the term “cluster F—k” this is it. No matter which of the proposed options that the state “elected” took on this issue it was going to end up the wrong thing to do. Instead of a program that lends itself to waste, fraud, abuse, and government “hackery”; you now have a pot of gold handed to a governmental body that has proven itself very irresponsible and unable to make seriously tough decisions – The Minneapolis “Silly” Council.
Not only did the council use the citizen’s hard earned income to buyout the Target Center, not they are going to use this extended money to buyoff that loan and I bet you there will be a garden growing on the roof soon. Just what the cash strapped citizens required right now; grass, trees, and lovely blooming things high on top of the house of one of the worst NBA teams in the league. The city officials are even quoted as saying they want the money for other projects and help the city finances. Throwing good money after bad again!
We could have a much better system of governmental funding if the city council was more responsible. Instead of this state government capturing of special zone area tax dollars and reissuing the money back to the city; the city could just collect the tax revenue and pay for essentials. Maybe fund such things as much needed police protection, and better education without referendums. Maybe they could fix the potholed streets, provide water and sewer service without having to raise taxes. Gee whiz just think if the city properly funded it’s responsibilities it might even start to make money. In that case it could self fund bike paths, enhance the parks, replace trees, create great world class shopping experiences downtown, and even provide different transit options all on it’s own. What a concept! But, alas, our “silly” council can’t be trusted to spend the hard earned taxpayer money wisely enough to achieve such great things. They don’t have the ability to aspire to anything other than the next election and serving only small minorities of the population. However, they are given the pot of gold anyway because the state “elected” aren’t any better. How sad!

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