May 11, 2008

Minneapolis City Council is moving to rescind a 40-year-old agreement over jail fees.

Well, when you can’t balance your budget I guess the thing to do is stop paying bills. Great policy, not! The charges for Minneapolis jail fees are estimated to exceed budget estimates by $700,000 this year. I look at this as bad budgeting. This action is being taken only after they did an internal audit and it looks as if Minneapolis is being charged more that the state law allows. It took them 40 years to discover this? According to Paul Ostrow they are only looking for a written contract. The Minneapolis City Council is looking to force the County into renegotiate a contact that has been in place for 40 years because they are paying too much. They are paying so much because of the crime in the city. The city council is tihnking about not paying more that the state law amount if a new contract isn’t agreed upon by July 1. I’m paying too much for gas, can I stop paying more than state law allows? There isn’t one, so I guess it’s free! Cool…fill her up!

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