May 12, 2008

Why do Minneapolis Schools continue to fail?

One of the key problems is that the school administration continues to place focus on the wrong areas. Instead of focusing on the barriers to educating children, they are focused on an agenda based curriculum. Take the focus of Katherine Kersten column in the Startribune for instance. The “Welcoming Schools” program is suppose to be designed to address bullying issues, but has the sound of a pro-gay agenda. Looking at this from a strictly education standpoint, neither of these takes on this program will address the issue of educating kids in math, science, history, economics, reading, and so on. The issue of bullying has been around since Moses worn short pants, and borders on the basic behavior expectations that the school administrators can’t seem to do anything with anyway. The issue with gay lifestyle acceptance is a personal issue within a family, and has no business in the public school system. No more business in the school system as does a straight lifestyle agenda.I tend to think that there is something bigger at work here than pushing one agenda or the other and that is money. It would be interesting to study the relationship between the public school system and the gay agenda groups. The public education system, in Minneapolis and the entire country, is in crisis and has been for decades. When are the educators and administrators going to drop their act and stop throwing generations of kids to the economic wolves? We taxpaying voting citizens are also to blame for allowing our young to be sacrificed in the name of laziness. We need to hold these people accountable for the dereliction of the duty of educating our children in the name of easy money to cover up their failures. When, I ask you, are we going to stop the madness?

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