Jun 10, 2008

Minneapolis City Council not sitting Idle

Thanks to Sandy Colvin Roy the Minneapolis Silly Council, in the name of environ”mental”ism and saving us a few bucks at the pump and from ourselves, passed an ordinance disallowing cars to idle for more than 3 minutes. Doesn’t the council, police, and citizens have anything better to do than micro-manage car idling time? Now the already overworked 911 operators will get calls to the police to give tickets if I need to run into the house to get something and leave my car running.
This just points to the fact that this council doesn’t take its job seriously. The schools are crap, we are being taxed to death, people being murdered in their homes and streets, and they are worried about cars idling too long. Give me a stinkin’ break, their brains must be idling too long! This is one of the most ridiculous moves I’ve seen them make yet. What is next? People are farting too much? Oh I’m sorry I must have misunderstood … they are letting idle my car if the temp is below 0 degrees. What if it’s 1 degree above? Am I going to be fined? My God where is it that we live, Russia? I can’t even find a slice of rationale here, this is just plain crazy! You people are insane!
The sane people in Minneapolis should go park their cars in front of city hall and let them run for hours just to piss the mayor and council off! If gas wasn’t so dammed expensive I’d organize it in a heartbeat. You people are from another planet! Come the next election, citizens, let’s hire some earthlings to do this job because the ones there now are not from around here.

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