Jun 11, 2008

Where is the War on Crime?

Minneapolis had its 15th homicide of the year and this figure is down from the same period last year. However, it is number 15 and as the temperature goes up so does the crime rate, according to statistics. This could mean Minneapolis has only Mother Nature to thank. Where is the effort to drive the crime rate down lower? You have troopers on the road and a media campaign against drunk driving, the war on drugs (successes and failures), and other assorted efforts. Why not crime? Minneapolis keeps putting forth a band-aid and bailing wire approach to drugs, gangs, killings, and thief; but nothing that is sustainable and effective. As an example, the idiotic idling law started out as an effort against vehicle thief. In the last few summers we had a increase in vehicle thief and the silly council’s answer was the idling law proposal. Now it’s turned into the “in” plan of the day against high gas prices and global warming. The silly council doesn’t address the root cause of problem, because it would require some real action on an issue instead of playing politics.

The number one rule to keep a free society free is to govern for what is needed and not rule by what is popular.

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