According to Council Member Ostrow one of the ideas that is being pushed by Council Member Benson to use the NRP funds to work on retiring the Target Center debt. Thru the Community Engagement meetings we are hearing that the TIFF districts need to be extended in order for the “Geniuses” at the State Legislature to hand out the NRP money. The CE plan would call to not extend the TIFF districts, and the property tax money would then go to the city (Red Flag) to spend as possible discretionary funds.
If it is money meant for the city why should it need to go thru the state? Sounds like Daddy handing out allowance.
The Minneapolis “Silly Council” has a history of not being very discretionary when it comes to funds. So the Shadow sees this as a catch 22.
It was Council Member Benson that was looking for money to “green up” the roof of the Target Center. I wonder if he is really thinking what is best for the city financially, or just looking for a way to let the “green grass grow all around”?
The city is pitching the CE plan throwing the people a curve ball by offering property tax relief. Don't believe them! Just one question... ever seen the government sunset a tax increase?
The Shadow says....
1. Retire the TIFF districts.
2. Retire the Target Center debt without a "blooming" roof.
3. Pay for basic city services.
4. "Silly Council" stopping begging for money.
5. Hire new Council Members.