Here comes another school referendum drive. Wow, that takes guts! It takes a lot of guts to ask that taxpayers for more money in an era of economic instability and with the poor record of the Minneapolis Public School system. Whatever happen to at least attempting to address the issues? I don’t see any comprehensive plan or strong leadership coming from the school board or Superintendent. The Mayor and City Council need to make school improvement a top priority and focus. The Minneapolis Shadow cannot support any referendum unless it is accompanied by a plan to address the failing school system. As I’ve stated in previous posts Minneapolis needs to tackle:
Improve Student Behavior
Parent Involvement/Commitment
Focus on Basics and Upcoming Industry Need Areas
Access to Advanced Classes
Just to name a few.
It is irresponsible of the Superintendent, School Board, Mayor and City Council to even consider asking for a tax increase without a very comprehensive plan for improvement. These people are suppose to be leaders, and if they can’t provide leadership on getting a complete failure turned around they should not be in position of leadership.