Mar 13, 2008

Ex-Cons could find housing if the city would let them

Here we go with the programs again. The housing rental market could take care of ex-offenders once they have paid their debt to society if allowed to by the city. The mother government need not create the need and then feed the need themselves all in the name of controlling the process. It isn’t good enough for the landlords to service this market themselves, but the city needs to get it’s hands into the process and create programs requiring more tax money to be used. Here is a better idea “silly” council. Take the restrictions off the landlords allowing them to feasibly operate within the city and fill this need themselves. A council member worth their weight would sit down with the landlords and hammer out a policy that is amenable to all parties concern. It isn’t necessary for the government to fill every need. In fact, best governance is one that will work with business to fill needs. The list of issues and concerns are numerous and some legitimate, but solutions can be found to the benefit of all concerned.

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