Mar 15, 2008

Sorry no money for cops, but we can fund parkways

One of the great features of Minneapolis is the parkway system. I love the ability to take a walk or take a bike ride thru the city along the parkways and trails that we have. However, $104 million for a new park to join Northeast and East River Road is a waste of tight funds. Yes it’s the money earmarked for the park board, but if basic services are strapped shouldn’t the priorities get funded first?
Like we talked about earlier in the week, if you want to pay for the amenities take care of the necessaries first. You would not give a child candy that hasn’t had a meal. Minneapolis is eating a light dinner on a credit card and it pays for it cake with cash. Makes no sense! Correct the spending problems, pay for basic services (cops, fire, waste, water, etc), lower the taxes, and the money for the parkways, bike paths, and the rest will be there. Please don’t make the Shadow throw $104 million dollars in the waste bucket! I really don’t want to have to do that.

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