Mar 11, 2008

Walk Of Life

With a high crime rate, taxes at an all time high, cost of living increases as far as the eye can see, education system crappy, and what does the city decide to spend it’s time on…making Minneapolis WALKABLE.
Ugh, we have sidewalks! The city is developing the Pedestrian Master Plan. Again with the Master Plans. Sounds like old Snidely Whiplash hatching some scheme against Dudley Do-Right, or in this case it would be Dudley Do-Citizen getting his wallet stolen again. I have nothing against walking, even some of my bipetal friends walk. It’s all about priorities. Remember our previous lesson on increase income and not taxes. The “Silly” Council can do all of the master plans they want, as long as they are providing the basic city services without committing highway robery of the taxpayers. What ever happen to the day when a government was judged on how well it provided the city services at an affordable price? It’s tea harbor time folks!

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